I feel ugly 99.9% of the time

Yes. Do you ever feel like that? Psssh. Here I am again, ranting about how unattractive I am. The truth is I dress to impress. Sometimes, to make myself look presentable. OR I just want to boost my self-esteem. It's just that, society sets standards on how you SHOULD look. Like, you should be this and that. Girls are under a lot of pressure than guys. A lot of girls are under criticism and judgements. We didn't ask you to judge us but do we have any other choice? Girls should try their best to ALWAYS look good. Ugh.

I'm only 14 years old, when I see girls my age they look so tall and so mature. They look like they're going to some club or whatever. Some. Just some. While I'm just sitting here blogging, writing journals, reading books and whatever awesome anti-social people do. HAHA.

I know this journal kinda suck because I'm not really a good writer or am I good in expressing stuff.
April 5th, 2011 at 02:52pm