Civil Disobedience

“Under a government witch imprisons any unjustly the true place for a just man is also a prison.”

A government has several purposes. The main and most important reason for a government’s existence is to protect the people and represent the people’s opinion on a large scale. However, if the government fails to do these things, the government isn’t just a failure to its people. Often times, the government becomes weak and open to corruption. This leads to a government that is no longer looking to help the people but to control them and hold them in an iron grip. The government that was so effective, once upon a time, is now preying on its people. The government that once was a great fair body of the people has become a tight prison with chains of something stronger than iron; ruled by the few.

The corrupt body slowly takes way the freedom of every man, woman, and child. Slowly imprisoning innocent people for nothing, the government chips away at the good in the society until nothing but the bad remain. Effectively killing off any hope for a moral standard in common life for people the government had taken unjust imprisonment to a new level. However, what is the proper response to this?

A citizen cannot look on without becoming guilty of letting an innocent person slowly wither into nothingness in a jail cell. However, if he or she does stand up they surely be put into jail as well. So what is the answer? Surely being put in jail as a just man is wrong? Maybe… Nevertheless, maybe jail is the ONLY place for a just man in a society where unjust imprisonment is what keeps the power in the government.

The only way to truly remain just, reasonable, fair or good is when you stand up for the people who can’t stand up for themselves. How can you claim that you are a fair man when you sit by and watch as person after person is put into a living torture of sorts?

A jail cell doesn’t give you much to think about. Except for how you weren’t guilty of the crime the government convicted you of. Or maybe as you sit slowly losing all traces of yourself, you think about all those people who just sat there, on the outside like you do in this jail cell, and watch as you were told you were a bad person and you were to spend gods know how long in jail.

As a bystander, there is simple no way that you can sit and watch as people are condemned to their fate without feeling that you need to do something. Moreover, there is no way you can claim that you are a just man by JUST thinking these thoughts. No. The only way that you could claim that you are a just man after witnessing such a thing is if you got up yelling and screaming that, that man that was being sentenced was innocent. You could only be a just man if you went to jail right along with him. Because,

“Under a government witch imprisons any unjustly the true place for a just man is also a prison.”
April 5th, 2011 at 10:10pm