Secrets People Hide & Partner Projects & Questions

Today I learned some things about people that I never really expected from them.

Like the guy that gives awesome presentations has autism and has a hard time talking in front of people sometimes. And that girl who used to make fun of me lost her best friend to suicide. And that girl in the back with pink hair had cancer. And that really happy girl was depressed in 8th grade to the point of thoughts of suicide.

It really made me not want to judge people. Ever. So I didn't at all today, not even in my mind. Well, I did once, and it was wrong but you should have seen the tight dress and heals and bump it she was wearing.

But I did a lot less.It makes me feel good.

But in that same class we have to pick partners for a project tomorrow.

Kids have already started partnering up. I hate picking partners.

I always just end up with someone who I don't really want to be with. I would go with my friend but we don't actually work well together or my other friend, but there is only so much of each other we can handle. I already asked this one girl that I know and love to be around but she is already paired up.

Its like kids mentally pick people and nod to them from across the room and bam, they are already paired up before the whole sentence of "picking your own partners" leaves the teachers lips.

I am stressing now. I don't want to end up with someone I can't stand or that doesn't work.

I have one person I would love to work with, but bets are; he already has a partner. But I shall hope he doesn't and hope and hope and hope and hope some more. I can tell we would have a lot of fun working on it and I would get to know him better.

So please fate, universe, and serendipity, have us be paired up?

1. Would you be willing to share your deepest secret to a group of schoolmates? Openly?
2. Do you like partner projects?
3. Favorite Disney movie?
April 7th, 2011 at 04:19am