My Best Intentions Keep Making a Mess Of Things, I Just Want to Fix it Somehow.

So I had this best friend. HAD being the key word there. She was my life. My sister. I told her everything. She was literally my light at the end of the dark tunnel called my life. WAS being the key word there. I used to be able to rely on her for everything. But then she tore my heart out. She ripped it to shreds and left it there for me to stare at. I was sad about it in the begining. The first week was the hardest. I cried every day. I even told my mom about it. I never tell my mom anything. And now, she's gone. She doesn't want me as her friend anymore. She's "not happy." Or some shit like that. Yet she refused to tell me how shes was feeling for a fucking month. Now I'm alone. But I'm done being sad. I'm done feeling sorry for myself. This is her fucking loss because I'm the best thing she'll never have again.
April 8th, 2011 at 03:39pm