Still feeling like I'm worthless, but what else is new? Ugh... (Questions)

I didn't get very many reads on my last journal, but the main idea of it was that I've had a serious self-image problem since I was like four years old. No matter how much weight I lose I feel inadequate and miserable, unattractive and disgusting. All the time. I'm 5'1" and 135 pounds. Which is about 20 pounds too heavy for my height in my opinion. I get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and usually end up in tears over what I see. I'm so jealous of all the models and celebrities and even normal people who have good bodies. It's something I'd die for. I just want to feel beautiful for once in my f*cking life...

On the upside, I learned to play Sixx:AM's new song 'Lies of the Beautiful People' yesterday.The guitarist, Dj Ashba, taught it to me :D (via youtube.....haha but I still feel awesome)


1. Do you have self-image issues?
2. If so, how do you deal with them?
3. Do you like Sixx:AM?
4. Play any instruments?
April 8th, 2011 at 07:27pm