"Are you going to fight about it, are you going to yell about it, or are you going to sing about it?"

Wise words, Gerard Way, wise words.

I went to the My Chem show this past Tuesday. Way back in the day when I was young and knee-deep in corrupting my closest friends, they were my first concert. They haven't played here in five years, so I was pumped. I bought my friend a ticket for Christmas, since she couldn't make it last time.

Anyways, it was awesome. It was kind of a weird experience for me, because it was a small venue and I didn't try and mosh my way to the stage. My friend had eaten something that didn't sit right and she wasn't feeling good, so we went into the drinking section so she could sit. I still danced like an idiot and sang along to every song.

When they played stuff from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, I felt like the same kid I was back then. And I kind of missed it. I've never really considered myself to be a grown up, and I probably never will, but suddenly I thought that I would be a disappointment to my teenage self. I'm in the process of getting my English degree. I'm going to be a journalist, even though I'm not passionate about it. I'm passionate about music, but I kind of gave in to my parents and I decided to do something safer. But I'm on my own, and I still have the same best friends that I did back then, so I can't be a huge let down, right?

But yes, I had a delightful time at the concert. I still completely adore everything about that band and what they stand for. The title of this journal was the end of Gerard's speach before they played Sing.

Here's some pictures to entertain you, my lovelies.





I also discovered that I love The Architects. They opened for MCR, and they're signed to Skeleton Crew. This is not the band from the UK. I'm not a fan of theirs.

Okay, back to my current life. My roommate situation still consists of five people in a three bedroom house. I'm about one dirty sock on the couch away from losing it.

I have a job interview tomorrow. For a company that sells knives. Some idiot is going to trust me to handle and sell knives!!! Maybe. We'll see if I get the job. It has an awesome starting wage though, so I kind of hope I get it. I need to save up before my next term of school.

I'm done classes for the semester! I still have two weeks of exams to face, but the point is that I have no more term papers. The last one took me a ridiculous amount of time and effort. Art History is not my forte, apparently. Actually, I'm doing good in the course, I just don't like it. It's boring. But it's over now, aside from the final, so it's okay.

I haven't slept properly all week. I saw Insidious for one of my roommate's birthday, and I didn't really see why everyone loved it. I've seen worse movies, but I found the "scary" parts to be absolutely hilarious. I blamed it on being sleep deprived and delusional, but I still think it was funny. I wrecked the mood in the theatre by laughing hysterically.

And I started my diet a week ago and already lost over two pounds! Go me!

So, aside from the behemoth of a term paper, I had an amazing week. I'm going to go for a run now. Then probably pass out right after.

If you read all that, you are absolutely wonderful. Thank you for putting up with my mindless ramblings, and have a lovely evening.
April 9th, 2011 at 03:43am