"Oh, these times are hard."

I feel like i'm falling behind in everything here lately. I'm struggling in school, which I never have before. I'm having trouble being around my family & friends because I feel like they just can't relate to me at all. I'm stressing over my senior project, and i'm not even a senior yet. My hair never wants to cooperate, and my make up never goes on right. I feel gross in every aspect here lately, to be honest; both my appearance and personality have been terrible. I just feel so exhausted all the time. Life is tiring me. I think what I truly feel like is as if i'm trying to avoid slipping under water, but i'm slowly losing my strength and eventually i'm just going to go under & not resurface. I know, I know- stop whining. I always tell others to stay positive and to always believe in themselves, but I can never seem to take my own advice.

I just need May 21st to be here- I need to see The Maine so badly. Listening to them on my iPod and watching vidoes of them helps me get by, but it's not the same as seeing them live. I need to experience that euphoric feeling that concerts give me, and I need to talk to the boys. They always have the best advice; I honestly don't know what i'd do without them. I need a good speech from John, a warm smile from Pat and Kenny, a joke from Garrett, and a hug from Jared. As crazy as it sounds, those 5 boys help me get through the day & have helped get me through so much. Their music inspires me and gets me by, and the boys themselves are absolutely amazing. Even when the whole world comes crashing down and I have no one else there, I know that I can trust in The Maine to be there for me. I don't think i'll ever be able to explain how much they mean to me, and I definitely won't ever be able to repay them for all that they've done for me.
April 10th, 2011 at 07:34am