A Rocket to the Moon Concert in SEATTLE!! Super eventful

Can I say amazing with any more emphasis? Well let's just say that Nick and Halvo were very entertaining and interacted with the crowd whenever they could. Halvo had a pair of the giant clown glasses and wore them after a song ended and gave them to a girl in the audience. Then Nick did some very hilarious dance moves that made all the girls scream. They played two more songs after the show "ended" since everyone was chanting encore. What was really amusing was that there was this one guy in the crowd that was super hyper and jumping around like crazy, so Nick pointed him out and asked what his name was. The guy's name was Jarrod and Nick and Halvo made everyone cheer for him. Then later on in the set Nick asked Jarrod what color his eyes were and he said blue, which made Nick laugh because they were about to play Baby Blue Eyes. All in all, the show was more than I could have ever hoped for, and not to mention super eventful. Before the show even started, I wanted to get my ARTTM merch so I wouldn't have to wait in long lines later. Their merch guy was really cute and watched me intently as i held up the hoodie to see if it was a good size. What was weird though was that during the entire show I was standing about four feet in front of the merch table, but facing the stage. I have a weird sense where I can sense when someone is staring at me, and low and behold, I would discreetly turn around and he would be staring right at me. Creepy. And towards the end of the show, my sister who was there with me told me that she was going to stand somewhere else for a better view. I was filming the performance on my phone when I felt someone very affectionately touch my whole back and shoulder as they walked by. I slowly turned around, thinking it was my sister, but it was the merch guy!! Gahhh! Then when the show ended, I got stuck standing right in front of the merch table waiting in a line to get out of the venue. Super awkward. But at least he was cute haha. So I'm not sure when ARTTM will be in Seattle next, but when they are, I'm gonna see if the merch guy recognizes me haha so I can mess with him ;] fun stuff haha.
On a different note, the venue that the concert was at, El Corazon, has very poor ventilating of cool air. Yeah, it was pretty cold outside, but inside it was so hot! I don't know if the show was sold out, but the venue itself isn't very big but was crammed with people. When there are a lot of people stuffed into a small area, it tends to get really stuffy and miserable, especially with no air conditioning. Because of this, and that there was no where to really sit down, I felt sick and almost fainted/threw up twice. I was standing towards the back platform where the merch tables were, so I wasn't even in the pit and I was sweating, which is gross because I hardly ever sweat. One would think that a venue that is small would have ceiling fans or something that would actually cool the room down, but I guess not. The show was still awesome regardless of how hot it was, but the bands were even more hot [temperature wise haha] with the stage lights being on them so I felt kinda bad :/
But other than that rambling stuff, A Rocket to the Moon is awesome live and is definitely worth the money to go see!!!
So yeah, I just wanted to write down all my thoughts mainly so I don't forget the little details haha plus I find it pretty amusing just how random things tend to happen to me.
April 10th, 2011 at 10:33am