Can someone help me....

write a story???????

i wanna write about one of the following women:

Maja Ivarsson from The Sounds:


and this is her with Felix:


or Madonna:


here with her family:


pick whichever you think i should write about. i love them both to death.

and I want help writing the story. message me if you want to write it with me.

in the story, the girl [Maja or Madonna] is your everyday normal girl and one day goes out. she gets in a car accident wakes up not in a hospital, but on the roof of a building. the man who caused the accident becomes infatuated with her. would do anything to have her [think "Tear You Apart" by She Wants Revenge]. he keeps her there for over a week. She tries jumping off the building to end her misery. but he won't allow it. he "loves" her.

and she does get rescued by......[well, i'll tell you in the message] and things are starting to get better, when the most important person in [Maja or Madonna]'s life disappears [again, i'll let you know in the message]. She thinks its the man who took her hostage. And to her surprise..he's gone...

well anyway, let me know if you're interested.
February 25th, 2007 at 10:58am