Check this out! Gabby is AMAZING. :)

Hey there everyone. :) I am just chilling at my grandparent's house, like I do every Sunday, and I decided I would bless your ears with the amazing voice of a very close friend of mine. :) Her name is Gabby, and she has an extremely powerful voice. I told her that I would recommend her to some people, so that is mainly why I am doing this.

Here is her URL:

Trust me, you guys will not be disappointed. I am trying to get her to upload new videos. And she doesn't have very high quality equipment, but her voice is epic, so it kind of makes up for it.And she said that if her dad gets deployed that she would have to upload a new video every week, so if you subscribe, you will be in for a treat.

Anyways, what are you guys up to? Any YouTube channels that you would like me to check out? Preferably music, as opposed to those kids that try their hardest to be funny, yet rarely are. That gets annoying.

Tell me something about yourself! Something cool!

And your name!

And ask something you would like to know about me! I will comment on your profile with my answer. Or message you, I haven't decided yet.

Alright, well, I am basically out of things to say, so I will talk to y'all later. Bye!
April 11th, 2011 at 12:00am