What I see in this site so far.

Almost all the "new users" that are "emo/scene/punk" looking have almost the exact same type layout formed when they first start out and their about me is pretty much the same. And the older users that are of that same type have their profiles clicked on "you do not have permission to view this profile" but only the people that are emo/scene/punk looking too can see their profile. It's like one big clique of emoness! (No rudeness intended).

I also learn from that type again, they have nothing posted. It's all chatting. I thought this was a writing site...? If you're on here to chat, create a Facebook. That's a better appropriate site.

Other than those people^ to have your story actually be popular, you most likely need to write Fan Fiction but only band and it 110% has to be A7X, no disrespect to the band at all. They have some pretty great music. The second closest band is All Time Low.

If you mostly write OF or Original Fiction...well you're shit outta luck. No just kidding but it's kind of harder to get popular with it.

I'm not disrespecting anyone and their writings. This is pretty much my first impression of the site since I've joined a week ago.
April 11th, 2011 at 01:26am