Hypocrites and other fun stuff (questions).

;akldgjf f*cking hypocrite.

If I could say that out loud in frustration, I would. So instead, I will express my frustration by killing my keyboard.


So anyway. What I'm frustrated about is my (ex?)boyfriend. He gets jealous easily. Doesn't like that I have guy friends. I have no girl friends at all because I'm awkward around them and it's too much drama for me anyway. So as a result, everyone I know has a d*ck.

He doesn't seem to believe me when I say I would never cheat on him. Just because I'm hanging out with a bunch of people who have penises, doesn't mean I'm going to cheat on him. But he doesn't seem to understand that.

I never tell him when I'm hanging out with them or what I do with them because I don't want to start any sh*t with him and have him get all pissy with me. I feel like I'm living two lives: me with my friends, and me with him.

It's odd. I don't like it.

A couple days ago he basically told me he doesn't even want me hanging out with anyone. This is where the hypocrite part comes in: he goes and plays golf with his buddies and hangs out with people, but it's apparently not okay for me to hang with my buddies?

f*ck that sh*t. I'm so through with him it's not even funny.

car troubles.

My car is leaking antifreeze (the stuff that keeps the engine from overheating). Enough said.

fafsa. holy f*cking sh*t i'm going to shank someone.

First of all, when I first applied for financial aid with fafsa, I had issues logging into my account afterwards. It kept saying my social security number and/or date of birth was wrong, EVEN THOUGH IT WASNT.

Took me for-f*cking-ever to get that fixed.

So anyway, it's fine now and I can log onto my account and all that stuff. My classes have to be paid for by May 20th or I'll lose my spot in those classes and have to wait til the fall to start college.

It's saying on the website that my financial aid has been processed and whatever, but on the college website it's saying they have no information about it? I don't understand this sh*t. I spoke to the college about it, I was told it takes a couple weeks to process. I may have to pay for the classes myself because the financial aid might not go through in time.



I went and got my eyes examed for a new prescription because my current glasses I've had for almost two years and it was seriously time for a new pair.

So I get my eyes examined, pay fifty dollars for that. I pick out a new frame, and plus like forty dollars for each lens, the price comes out to be like a lot.

I pick my glasses up a week later, and the prescription is wrong.

Have you ever worn someone else's glasses, and everything looks weird and it makes your eyes feel odd because it's not your prescription? That's what it looked like for me.

They fucked up my prescription somehow. What is this sh*t?

Nothing is going right lately, fml.


1. Random fact about yourself?
2. How's your weekend going?
3. What's up?
4. What song are you obsessing over right now?
April 11th, 2011 at 03:26am