Next Week's Story Updates...

So next week, I have to take these tests called the AIMS. All around Arizona, it will be AIMS week for us kiddos.
During AIMS week, we have to get to sleep earlier than normal (I have to sleep before 11 AM!) and we actually have to eat breakfast. We have to study for Math and English. We have three tests; Writing (Imma ace it ;D <--Cocky Bastard XD), The English Reading test and the *Shudders* Math Test.
During this week, I'm always spazzing out and stessing about this and ALL THE OTHER FUCKING HOMEWORK WE GET! even when I get home.
So I have to be all like, "Uppity" and shit for the next week. So from Tuesday-Thursday (or Friday), I won't be able to update or really be online in general.
So do not think that I abondoned you or anything; it's just that I'm going to be spending some time focusing on these big tests and praying that I will pass onto the next grade!
I'll be on Skype from 5:30-8:30 PM (or 10:30 AM-1:30 PM Australian time [hehe, Amy])
Just wanted to tell you all that I'm going to be a little AWAY with my writing. SO no hard feelings.
April 11th, 2011 at 05:58am