Attitudes/ Questions

I go to school with a bunch of teens like everyone else around the world. However, I have a real problem when teens that are almost high school graduates and still act like they did when they were in eighth grade. I would have thought that with them being older they would have more maturity then other kids who have had mommy and daddy take care of them all their lives. I mean I go to school with people who have jobs and their own apartments or homes. I mean I am not saying its not okay to be a kid every once in a while, I just think there is a time and a place for everything and I do not think that school is the best place to do those thing's.

I don't find any of their antics funny, like other peers do, I find it down right annoying. I mean do you really have to constantly make sex jokes, mess with people and make strange noises and try to talk t a teacher when you can see she is on the phone... I mean really its simple common sense things guys.

I hope they grow up before they go to college.
The things they do in high school will not be tolerated in a college setting.
I hope they don't spend good money on a class just to be tossed out of it because
of their behavior.
I guess not all of life's lessons are easy.

- What do you think of immature teens that are practically adults?
-Do they annoy you as they do me?
April 11th, 2011 at 04:37pm