Love Comes With A Price!

Love does come with a price,its not free.Trust me!Nothing in this world comes free!Today,I thought was going to be a little easy avoiding Devyn,cause the past few nights,I been laying in bed up till 4 am,endless on sleep,cause we're arguing.Not on the phone,but through texting,yes.Through that,some of the things she was saying,was raising my temper.raising my temper left me to write things back to her,where I didn't even know I was saying.But hey,thats why they say "Some people say things out of anger" Yes,thats what I was doing.But after realizing how bad I hurt her.I stopped to think,I'll just leave her on her side,and let her come to me when shes ready to.I know it killed her,not seeing me after every class period like it used to be...But this morning once I seen her,I played out "Let her have her space!" I could already see she wasn't exactly sure to face me.I was still wound up during the night,if she would have came to me starting stuff,not a minute would pass me being calm.Cause I was still pissed and also what I was being called at the school "2 faced Liar Cheater Son Bitch" I heard that and I was determined to be mad over Hell.So basically all today I fought tears back,when I seen Devyn.I continued to not be 5 ft. with her.During Lunch time.We sat at the same table...But she was on one end,and I was on the other.Both determined wanting us to say a word...But not exactly sure what to say.Back towards one another.Not catching eye contact.I felt her calling out my name from her heart.But I would feel "My mind playing tricks again...Don't pay attention,carry on" After lunch,going straight to my next hour.During that hour,I had my friend Ivonne consistently asking "How are you holding up?" "Are you going to be okay?" Devyn and Ivonne were probably talking about me at lunch knowing how I was acting.I can't blame them.I was acting out on my mind,I'll admit.But,time past on,3rd,4th and 5th hour passed in just a knick of time.Then 2:55 came.Me and Devyn split with the lockers,cause we shared lockers.But I still had my old binder with some of my notebooks,I had to haul a** to get back to her locker so I could put a few of my notebooks back,before she came.I was afraid to turn around,there she be.Like I said,I was in the process to ignore her,until she came to me.Cause we've already said to much!And,me just having that 'awesome' talent that I can never say anything good!As I put my notebooks in the locker off to the new locker I shared with my friend Ashley.Where I got a few things from there and out the door I planned,but some where out of the lonely halls I walked down to,to walk outside and go home,was then my mind wasn't playing tricks.I heard my name coming from a voice longing to hear...So she calls my name,I stop to look around,and saw her n the crowd of dozen people wanting to get out of school.I turn back,and seeing her.Going to her,couldn't resist the feeling of holding her.But I knew she felt uncomfortable with it,we talk...and it seems yet going no where.Me showing her what I was driven to on Sunday Night...Well...Yeah,lets say the fire actually felt good.I showed that to her,what I saw couldn't come unwound,was her telling me "You shouldn't have!" But I did.It relieved my pain.I lived through it.But topics changed.I was sucked into the color fazing eyes,they are hazel one minute and yellow the next.I got lost in them eyes,like I was a road with the fork in the middle of the road.I said "I love you,need you,wanting you" and stuff like that...but seemed like nothing was getting to her.But I said something, "All we need is a night,and I guarantee that would help us,it done it before and we could probably do it again." she says "You really think so?" Me, "Yes,I know so!" So,time ticked away.But we would then later continue the conversation.Without leaving before I handed her what I been writing solid on for the past few days.I told her to read it...and it would probably still explain my feelings.F.F.Were on the phone,and she made a deal to me,thats really gonna...well leave me breathless.Whether,we start again,make our way to being friends,and maybe dating...or just no communication at all.Here comes with the first option I said,it comes with risky factors,making our friendship,that'll determine if she can fall in love with me.And if she can't that just meant that we started over for nothing basically.But heres the thing,NO time limit.So that hurts as well.I got alot of thinking to do on this one...What should I do?
April 13th, 2011 at 04:18am