Apparently I'm depressed. Lovely.

So. My friend thinks I'm clinically depressed and she wants me to start talking to her on a regular basis.

I think she's an idiot.

Regardless, she's f*cking adament on this and I'm quite annoyed. I'd rather not be depressed, if it's all the same with everyone. I'm sorta happy with my "nothing wrong with me and never has been" persona, depression would actually ruin that.

God I'm so stubborn.

I need help.

I still don't agree that I'm depressed but I supposed I should start talking to Kiara...

I've felt like absolute sh*t for sixteen months now. It's time to deal with this crap head on... but I swear to Christ I'm not depressed. D<

/Useless journal.

Don't even think about jumping down my throat about friends not knowing anything and go see a professional, Kiara is a trained psychologist and was fully accredited to practice before she had her devil's spawn and went on maternity leave.

Legit psychologist thinks I'm depressed...

But I still say she's an idiot.

Wewt. Got sized up for Munno shirts tonight. I like it.
April 13th, 2011 at 04:50pm