"Believe in what we feel inside, believe and it will never die. Don't ever let this life pass us by"

^ it's a song. Any guesses?

You Selena Gomez fans (peut-etre Justin Beiber fans who have lurked his new girlfriend) may know this is a line from Live Like There's No Tomorrow. Love that song, sadly it fits for what I'm about to tell you.

So just want to say thanks for not threatening my life for not doing like I said I would and write the next chapter. I got quite a few reads on the last journal entry so I gather readers from GoF are reading these? Hopefully? Well... I have no excuse for why I haven't typed it up yet, minus the one, but it was my fault so still. However I do have an excuse for why I won't be writing it up until at least past this weekend.

My best friend, who sadly lives a good 45min drive away, just lost her grandmother. When we lived close, we were closer than anything, both of our families were. Now, this is hard enough on them, but they just lost her uncle a few months ago (tops 4 months). And in the last year and a half, her other two aunts. That's a total of three siblings and a mother for her mother. Turns out the funeral is tomorrow, so me and my mom are going (Dad can't miss work) and everything important for school happens to land on tomorrow.

My major thing was that I have a chemistry test tomorrow. Or at least I did, I ended up talking to my chemistry teacher before class (almost breaking down in tears thinking about my poor friend) and he said I could do it Friday during class. So I have that lesson to catch up on (just waiting for confirmation that what I told him was everything we're learning that day). Then I go to math and ask what lesson we're doing Thursday. And he looks at me and says "you mean after the quiz" and I give him a blank face. I forgot about the quizzy (called as much because it's being used to soften our midterm marks... people didn't do so well). Basically, I'm doing that Friday at lunch...bye bye food. So I have a lesson to catch up on for both classes (but I think I already understand the chem one).

Now onto lighter parts of the week:
Yesterday was absolutely hilarious, and another reason why I love my chemistry teacher. He's just do down to earth and helpful. I mean, what kind of teacher can stand his own against the school clowns (two of which are in this class) "that's what she said" comments? Anyways, we do quizzes on Mondays, we always have. They are great for test studying. Anyways, no one knew anything about the questions on this quiz.But this is where it gets funny. Here's the play by play:

Me: *chilling at locker with friends(as always)*
Chem teacher: *comes out of science workroom conveniently located right across from lockers, spots me, comes up and gives me a highfive*
Me: *strange look, but gives him a high five*
Him: "______ you KILLED that quiz!"
Me: "Cool!"
Him: "Yeah. Great job. It was kind of funny, actually, I was marking them all, question by question, and by the time I got to the back of the sheet I was thinking 'oh this person did this really well it must be ______'"
Me and my friend: "Hahhaha"
Me: "see you in like five minutes, we're in our normal room right?"
Him: "Yes"

End of scene. I laughed. My friend told me shortly after that she was jealous of my chemistry teacher, and wished music and my chem class wouldn't conflict in her schedule. I laughed and said that was the reason I didn't switch out to hers.

Hmm... there was something else... but I don't think it really matters, as I forgot. Oh wait, the excuse of why I didn't write GoF. Well.. it's a fail excuse as it takes the blame off me, only to put it back on. haha well this is how it went
I was like, I'll write it later, I'll write it later, I'll write it later. Then one night I'm trying to fall asleep, and all of a sudden, I had no idea where I put the myth. Somehow, I had managed to loose the myth, without even touching it. I found it... but still. Can't believe I lost it.

Well I have to go sew my only black top. It has this bad habit of always coming apart at the seams, and it's my fave. So message me people. But no death threats please. Save those for your stories.
April 14th, 2011 at 02:40am