Chances, Opportunities and Fate

My brother was just recently , once again, wanting to give up on love. He just couldn’t capture the idea that it’s not all up to him when he likes a girl. He was confused as to what he was doing wrong or why does he fall so hard for women. His actions did nothing. They had no after-effect what-so-ever. So I thought: How do we fall in love? And is it just a mere coincidence? Or maybe it’s a process much more complicated that we could imagine?

Like I wrote once before, I believe in a higher force, not an old man, who just happens to sit on clouds and his magick finger blesses everything it touches. (If he’s on a cloud, how do they think he touches things anyway? Go-Go-Gadget-Arms? I doubt that. That’s one faulty theory.) And I believe in spirits. And fate. Each spirit has it’s own fate that it has to fulfil before being able to rest in peace. The Fate wants a final result. A goal, if you will, which the Spirit has to reach. Until that,the Spirit is born over and over again. People have this saying that one’s fate is in one’s own hands. Is it really?

I disagree with that. I think there’s the matter of coincidence and a matter of pre-determined pathways. Even though Spirits have their destiny to complete and in a way it is in their own hands, people can affect the outcomes of their life by the power of choice. We are often given opportunities/situations/chances in which we have to choose between at least two different options, often them being exact opposites of each other. The option we choose determines what comes next. But how do we even get to such choosing-situations? Are they also fate or simply coincidences? I say they are coincidences. Mostly there are other people involved in the process. I think the opportunities we get are caused by someone else’s choices in the past. And that action affects our destiny. It determines which options we get in the future, though there always could be a dead-end-action – an action that leads nowhere. Even if we might think that our action didn’t do anything, it will most probably affect someone’s Fate’s journey..eventually.

I guess somehow all Fates’ paths cross at some point. Sometimes even multiple times. I guess there’s a time for things. Like, for instance, falling in love. I think people fall in love/begin a relationship when their Spirits are in the exact ’time’,mentioned before, at the same time. And those two Spirits run into each other. It’s inevitable in a way. It’s like your fates crossed paths and met each other.

All of this is a beautiful process. It is hard to explain, since it's just simply what I believe in , really, but I hope you understood what I was trying to get through.
April 14th, 2011 at 09:20pm