Damn does music help or what?

lol well let us begin this overdue journal on a high note because I am currently going through a whole bunch of crap over who I might be turning into. ppl. have said I lied about stuff that makes me feel better about myself. some might say that I am deceitful but you know what it is not!!
I am in high school so I can experiment with everything and anything i want. I love spreading my arms wide and taking in all the sun but now everyone around me has someone to fall back on. I am left to make myself feel safe, loved and wanted.
it's sad though because like maybe a year ago I never thought that I would be able to find someone that might even look my way.
look now I am going on and on well back to my original purpose for this journal.
now more than ever music has been my best friend, it is always there to whisper in my ears "YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS OR IS GOING TO GO THROUGH THIS SHIT! SO HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH AND LOOK TO THE HILLS!"
yeah even though i lean on it so much and it's there i can never really love it like i would be able to love a preson...
oh yeah frivolous me just used two very big words and you might have to look them up!!
Bwahaha i win!
lol time to eat cookies
(lol back to my usual self happy go lucky ADHD self
April 15th, 2011 at 02:51am