Dream #1

I was walking through a jungle. It was like a rainforest, with tall trees, large leaves, and vines...but the temperature felt that of a regular day in the Midwest. And there was another thing missing from this landscape: Life. I saw no bugs flying about, sound of birds chirping or flapping their wings, and no sign of a carnivorous animal waiting to pounce and eat me.

I felt safe.

At least I did until I walked deeper into the forest. The plant life became thicker as I walked further on. That's when I noticed a figure in the distance. He was walking out of a pile of leaves, which turned out to be green huts. But instead of some tribe memeber in loin cloths and feathers, he was dressed in a cute polo and khakis.

As he emerged from his domain, he looked at me. I stood still, unsure of what to do. Then I saw more people emerging from their huts, all of them looking similar to the first guy.

I unconsciously followed the dirt path towards them, and watched as all they stared at me, heads bent low so I couldn't see their eyes. I kept walking passed them, entering a clearing. In the clearing, there was a small village. There weren't any huts there, but instead were Victorian style buildings. I saw a clock tower in the center, with stone paths leading around the village.

I turned around to see if the whole scenery changed, but right behind me, the jungle still remained. I turned to face the village when a girl appeared in front of me. I jumped back a few inches, but didn't scream out. She was no more than 10 or 11, wearing a beige-colored dress with puffy sleeves and a white collar. She wore a white headband in her short, copper hair.

She starts speaking to me, but I couldn't hear anything coming out of her mouth. But I knew she was greeting me. Her head was bent, but when she lifted her head up, I screamed. Instead of real human eyes, her eyes were bigger and more pronounced. Her whole eye was black...like one of the aliens in the movies.

I backed into the guy that I met earlier. I looked into his eyes. They were a soft brown color. Something in my mind told me that they were telling me I was to sleep with him and marry him.

The sun quickly sets, and the guy in front of me changed. His clothes went from preppy to gothy. He was now wearing a black T, black baggy pants, with black hair. His eyes changed to match the little girl's, but they appeared smaller.

And I have never been so attracted to him. But I felt the little girl's eyes on me, and I was scared.

Then...I woke up.
April 15th, 2011 at 04:48am