Two Years Today

It is nearly impossible for me to think that it has been two years already. Two long years without you. Nearly everyone today wore yellow, orange or a T shirt of the band you were in. Jessica looked like hell, but she can pull off wearing your band shirt like no other.
We didn’t go to Theler to hangout like we did last year on the 14th, but instead just chose to sit back and remember you. Personally, it made it a little easier. If everyone came together, there would be way too many tears, and I know you’d hate that. But this year is not like last year, there’s more to it. There are more people to remember.
I am sure that Brian, Daniel and Tyler are all there with you, wherever “there” may be. And on March 6th next year, I will be writing a letter to them, like I do to you. I think that writing these gives me some kind of closure.
Anyway, we miss you, and I wish I had the chance to know you better. But you have given me something that I will take to the grave. You gave me the courage to never let a chance to know someone slip through my fingers. That is what you wanted; everyone to love everyone else… to befriend everyone else. Although these past few years have been hellish, I will always remember you, and how you have saved my life… metaphorically speaking.
RIP Jordan. We all love and miss you.
April 15th, 2011 at 07:04am