~Less Than Twenty-Four Hours~

I can't believe in less than twenty-four hours I will be an Aunt! I can't wait! My sister was due May 5, I think. Now , she's going into labor on April 15th! I guess that's common, but, boy was I not ready for that!

See, late last night we had a huge storm. A tornado warning was anounced for our area. Then while we were all getting up becouse it was so loud, part of a tree fell on the back of our house. Don't worry though, there was really no damige. So we, (mom,dad,my little brother, and myself) all ran to my parents room with some flash lghts ready. And of course the electricity went off seconds later.Once the storm was over, we went back to sleep.

Now,I woke up this morning to my mom telling me to watch my brother becouse her and my dad were heading to the hospitel. My sister's water broke. God...She scared me so much saying that. In my head a million thoughts were spinning around panicing. Now they home to take a nap, then there going back,taking us with them , to the hospitel for the long wait with lots of family members I don't really like.

Oh well. I get to hold my little baby niece in less than twenty-four hours!

Oh, yeah! Before I forget! Her name will be Layla Rose!
April 15th, 2011 at 09:36pm