Day Of Silence.

So only having three days to plan I really didn't think today was going to go well. I made shirts for me and two of my friends, and I made like twelve masking tape arm bands with yellow equal signs. I also printed out forty of the speech cards off the site on colorful paper & gave it to my two friends to hand out. I got to school & gave my closest friends some arm bands. Soon I was flooded by people wanting the speech cards & arm bands & soon ran out of arm bands.

This morning was really the only time that I noticed people were really getting into it.

Throughout my classes there were people calling it stupid, and every time I heard it it hurt worse. In second period one girl looked at my shirt which has stick people colored in a rainbow, going girl-girl, girl-boy, and boy-boy and said "that's gross & that's gross" pointing at the same sex couples and said "and I don't even understand why that's on there."

People didn't understand the day at all. I explained it to them the best I could through text because I obviously wasn't talking but they didn't get it & they thought it was stupid. It just... really got me down.

Oh, and one of my friends got punched in the stomach and called names by two guys. & another one had her arm band ripped off and called a fag. What the f*ck, people. That is no where near okay. My friend refuses to tell the school, too. They could probably be arrested for discriminatory assault. Ugh, fuck people & there closed mindedness. It's one thing if they don't like it & they don't say anything about it, it's another when they're doing things like that. Ugh, I want those boys in trouble. Hopefully I can convince her to talk to the principal or something on Monday.

& now, getting on Facebook the first thing I saw was a status saying "that whole "silence day" thing was stupid. just another event that freshman scene kids did to 'be cool'" Which got me pissed off again, like six hours later. I am not scene, I do not pretend to be scene, and I definitely did not do that to be cool. Is being criticized all day cool?! UM, NO. So f*ck you. I do day of silence because I believe people should be treated EQUALLY, and not be harassed, because I care about the movement. Not because I wanted attention or anything else. I mean, I get that it's his opinion and all, but that really f*cking p*ssed me off.

Overall, though, today was a good day. Except for the douchebags, of course.

Next year I'm going to get more involved in GSA and make sure we plan things for it because it should be the main event of the year for the club & we haven't done anything and we've only met like four times because the people on the announcements refuse to advertise our meetings. Stupid b*tches.

Okay, well I'm going to stop typing now as this journal has become angry & hatefilled and that definitely was not the intent.
April 16th, 2011 at 02:28am