Learning things about life....HARD

In the past week I learned a lot.
Foremost, I learned that lying abut ridiculous things will only get you one place, and that's the deuce corner as far as family dynamics go.
Second, I learned that never, EVER should you compare someone to a dumb and loyal dog. Especially when that person feels particularly left out by their lack of awesome ArtQuest friends. Way to go Miranda....
And lastly, I have remembered, not learned, what it feels like to be in love. To think about a person. to smile about them, to laugh about them, to do EVERYTHING revolving them. And it's the most amazing feeling in the world. And its so intense....Like sometimes it scares me that two 15 year old people are being handed this immense emotion. It's crazy.

So despite all the stupid things that happened this week, love prevailed, and I am happy as a fishermen grillin' fish.

"You know, f*** little hearts and symbols. I'm going to have to start saying ominous things sooner or later. Through it's variable and constantly growing definition...I love you"

This is exhibit A of a perfect moment in history. Our relationship is SO indie and it makes me want to scream. My heart is in flight and...literally, nothing can get me down today.

I hope all of you have as good a day as I will have!
April 16th, 2011 at 05:43pm