Motivation for YOU!

Hey everyone! I know, blah blah blah.
But I want to tell you all about a big epidemic that's spread across the country (and if you don't already know, turn the TV to something other than Adult Swim and Jersey Shore. I know that they can become addicting but I won't take long. Maybe).
I want to talk about suicide, moreso the reason kids are doing it.
School is hard, but kids are just FREAKING CRUEL!!!!!!!
But commiting suicide isn't the way to go.
Yeah, let them douches feel bad after your gone , but YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CARE! You WILL BE DEAD!!!
NOTHING and I mean NOTHING IN THIS WHOLE FREAKING WORLD is a reason to kill yourself. If you are meant to go, it is your time to go.
Yeah, you are different. BE DIFFERENT! Strut your stuff and show them what you're made of, because your stuff is amazing just the way it is.
Who are you to mess with fate? Who are you to kill yourself?
You want to show those snot-nosed bullies?
Four letter word, quick easy , and to the point ,but IT MEANS SO VERY MUCH!
Go to college and BE somebody! Don't let them ruin your life because they are insecure little jerks. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE and LIVE YOUR LIFE!
Suicide is the easy way out, but it realy takes some balls to go through life and show up those same jerks at your high school reunion. SHOW them by IGNORING them, no matter how loud and obnoxious they get.
It WILL be worth is someday!
YOU are worth it EVERYDAY!!!!
So here's my Motivation for YOU!!!!
Do you u nderstand?
April 17th, 2011 at 01:38am