Fangirls. We kick ass.

When you think about it, women are evil. Especially to each other. We undermine, steal each other's boyfriends, tear each other apart, act fake around our own friends sometimes.

I find it hard to fully trust other chicks, since I know my own tendencies. 

But, there are always exceptions.

I broke into the fangirl scene when I was much younger, I believe I was 8 or 9 when I became obsessed with Green Day. When I was around 13, I had more access the Internet, and began to talk to other fans like me.

Now, as a 17 year old, I've immersed myself completely into the... Scene. I'm on tumblr, have a twitter, have the clothes, the Internet friends, the memories of fangirling at concerts, and, most importantly, friends.

I've found that the girls that flail at concerts, who write fan fiction on Mibba, or who spam the hell out of tumblr with pictures of sexy men are some of the coolest kids out there. Not the girls who sit there and cross their arms in disgust when people begin to know the words at indie concerts or the girls who spoil everyone else's fun, but the girls like me, who are into what their into for the bigger picture.

The people out there that support the music business and the people in it are some of the chillest, most real people I've ever met. They're friendly and happy to be themselves, eager to meet people like them.

The best decision I ever made was to become a flaily, semi-creepy fangirl. The people I've met through music either face to face or through the Internet, whether they were in my life for a minute or for years, are the most amazing people in my life.

I am proud to be flaily.
I am proud to push through to the barricade at concerts.
I am proud to shout at people to help out a musical cause.
I am proud to tweet people who probably won't read what I say.
I'm proud to write fan fiction.
I'm proud to have every follower or reader, even if I don't have many.

I fucking love you guys.
All of you.
April 17th, 2011 at 07:04pm