April 17 2011

Grandma died four days ago..... been pretty sad around here.... funeral is tomorrow.... :( makes it sad again.... i seriously need something to bring me up.... so thursday me and a couple buddies are gonna hang out...... they always make me feel better... mabey, just mabey...... this week will get better..... because so far... it hasnt been that great... and to make it two times worse.... for the funeral... my godfather is coming in..... keep in mind im 15.... and my godfather has gotten me something for the first time ever.......and when i say ever i mean EVER......last christmas was the one and only time he got me something for any special occasion in my whole life..... and he got me something because i visited my grandparents for the holidays and it was convienient for him....
April 17th, 2011 at 07:44pm