Nicknames and assumptive rumours.

Lets start with the prior shall we? The nickname I have been called for a while now. Haze. It was christened me by a series of simple coincidences. Sadly, the nickname is now strangely fitting. Haze.. "A tenuous cloud of something such as vapor or smoke in the air" Or as it is also described "A state of mental obscurity or confusion." Both so descriptive of me, a cloud of smoke- a thing that is barely there, almost impossible to notice and never there for long. Although I tend to leave a lasting impression on those that i care about, (Which I am eternally thankful for.) those who i do not. They simply get my cold gaze and my even colder attitude. This generally leads to a simple dislike or even hatred. Other times it leads to some sense of strange lust.
Now for the latter. The assumptive rumour that i am, what is known in these parts as a Man-Whore. Now, this is also a rumour afflicted on me for roughly a year. Also, somewhat true. Due to my lack of emotion or common decency. I seem not to "like" people, I also often get lust confused with this emotion. Which never ends well. So yes, I will sleep with people I don't exactly know, yes I will sleep with people with partners and yes I will pretty much kiss anything with a pulse when I'm drunk. However, am i happy with these facts? Somewhat.. I mean, the lack of emotion means I'll never get hurt buy a partner, nor will I ever find someone I truly love. Which is an antithesis of both good and bad points. To be honest, I am extremely happy I do not have to tolerate the majority of the problems that the rest of humanity face. Although, finding happiness when I'm older will be a problem, which does concern me.
No regrets though, that's not how I work. Just live life how you see fit. Lets have fun while it lasts. We only have one life do we not?
April 18th, 2011 at 12:37am