Can you blame me entirely????

I woke up this morning and realized that the guy I'm in a sexual relationship with might just want that, SEX. I mean i know we started off weird but I thought we'd at least be considered a couple, but all he wants to do is have sex in his car. Sometimes I feel kinda used and abused and my mother thinks he's completely wrong for me and to be honest sometimes I believe her.

I just have to know if I'm making a huge mistake here by continuing to see him. I mean we have intelligent conversations that always lead to a debate about something. We may have difference of opinion but our relationship isn't strangled by it. He does get possessive though. Like when i don't text him back immediately he gets mad and starts questioning me, but I think he's just playing. My mom says that if I allow him to keep moving at this speed then he will one day put his hands on me and then shes going to jail,

psst., Can you keep a secret?
I might be in love with him. He's the only guy I've had a sexual relationship with after my first so I let him get away with some stuff but.....
Can you blame me entirely?
April 18th, 2011 at 05:16am