HELLO clarice

Hi... I'm starting to feel like this site is like my mom or something because of all the rules and/or restrictions... E.G. like "you NEED TO PUT EFFORT INTO YOUR JOURNALS OR ILL WILL POP A GLOCK IN YOUR MOUTH WHILE I SIMULTANEOUSLY BUST A CAP IN YOUR A**!!!!" ok, well it doesnt say that EXACTLY......but you understand...... is this considered effort?? i dunno, i guess.... hmmmm.... i haven't anything to talk on... My parakeet is staring at me ominously... so ya.. O gosh. so i just tried to post this and it was all like OH HELL NO YOU BEST THIRTEEN MO WORDS IN BEEYOTCH!!! and so ya... i think i got those 13 words..
April 19th, 2011 at 02:57pm