
hello,loves,this is raven's sister scarlet and I'm bored and I feel the need to hack my sister :)My sister is amazing you should add her and I don't know how to write more than 100 words in a hacked thing so I'm goign to write random things about myself.I am scarlet,yes I am aware that my name is a color.I love ice skating and writting stories btu I often get off track a lot and start writting a new story and never finishing it hopefully this site will help me with that problem.My favorite sport in the world is archery and I think i'm really good at it,considering it's the only sport I'm good at besides ice skating and roller blading xD My favorite color is red and not just because it's my name.I have a gay boyfriend named oscar,he has blue hair and works at a beauty school.My favorite TV show it Supernatural,I like all types of music besides rap and country.I am /the/ weirdest person you will ever meet in the history of forever,I'm pretty easy to talk to unless you piss me off,if you will get hit with my arrow :) and I mean that in the niceest way.I'm not the best person in the world at giving advice but I'm a good lsitener if you need to vent or rant or whatever.I think that's all i cal think of at the moment so.........if you wanna continue talking just message me or comment on my profile and yeah..... so,hit me up!http://member.mibba.com/222843/
April 21st, 2011 at 12:09am