First Entry--To My Readers--4.20.11.

So, I have no idea how this works. I'm going to test it out though, and maybe this will work as a means of explaining everything that's been going on throughout my inactivity.

Hey there! This is Alex (well, obviously, I suppose), and I am completely aware of how bare everything is right now. There are several reasons as to why that is, and I shall explain them to you right here.

First of all, back when I published the sneak peek to my story "A Roller Coaster Life: Road to the Stanley Cup", that was around the time of semester exams. After that weekend, I was swamped with getting switched to new teachers for my classes, different times for my classes (for example, my precalc went from second block to fourth block), and piles of homework. So that was one adjustment.

Then came my trip to Minnesota for a Spanish immersion trip and the badminton season. They were around the same time, and I had to plan and take care of things around those areas. For Minnesota I had to get ready and think of what to pack, while I had to think of training for the season. I hadn't been able to practice since the very last time I had played badminton in gym this year, and that was a while before the season would start. Plus, we only played for three classes, and that, my dear readers, is not practice or training, not even close.

But those two were some of the very least of my concerns. For anyone who follows me on Tumblr (and who have followed since about the middle of February), you may have taken note of the conflict I had. My grandfather had, at the time, become worse due to the spread of his stage two colon cancer. His condition quickly decreased to the point where he could not take care of himself, he was underweight, and he was not showing any signs of improvement. When the training started for the badminton season, I could not do any of the designated times for training because I had to prepare for what was coming for me in the weeks ahead. He had to be taken to a hospice where the doctors would be taking care of him for a while. However, this is not where the story ends.

You may have noticed that my last update of my Antti Niemi story was on March first. That was the day I had actually finished all the revisions (from what I could tell) and published it. I had fallen very ill (to the point where I could not stand because of how dizzy I became, I had a fever, I was in pain) the day before, Monday the twenty-eighth of February, and I stayed home. I was very bored then (one of the rare cases where I had no homework) and I decided to work on the story. This would be the weekend of the Spanish immersion trip in Minnesota, and I was pretty excited and hoped the sickness would go away. And so all of that said and done, the next part starts on the next day. March 2, 2011.

For that would be the day I would, almost literally, run out of my bed, slap on some clothes, and rush out the door. My mother received a call from the hospice saying (long story short) that the family needed to head over there. And so we had called my aunt, who picked up my grandmother and godmother, to rush over there as soon as she could with them and my uncle and cousins. We (as in my parents, sisters, and I) arrived first, and the nurse who had called was correct in what he had said over the phone: his breathing had become irregular. An hour later, making it 6:00, my aunt had arrived with everyone else. This would be the time where we all said our goodbyes. Less than half an hour later, my grandfather passed away at the age of 73. And for the rest of the week, Wednesday through Friday, I missed school, mourning my grandfather's death. Friday was the wake, Saturday was the funeral. I missed the trip, but I really didn't care at this point. I didn't even want to go anymore anyway, not when someone so close to me passed away.

After I returned to school, I had missed a total of four days, so I had to make up work for four days. And that in itself took a long time, for I was nearing the end of a project and starting on at least two more essays. I had missed three days of two AP classes, so I missed quite a lot. At this point I have caught up, and everything is well in that aspect.

I also have not been on because I have been moving my grandmother's things over to my house so she can stay here.

Not only that, but I have also recently been taken test after test. Next Wednesday and Thursday I have the ACT to take, and in the first two weeks of May or so I have scheduled to take two different AP tests.

Tomorrow I have an interview (activity for E-Consumerism) to prepare for, and I am trying as hard as I can to calm my nerves so I don't mess this up. I should be prepared appearance-wise, but as far as my nerves go...It'll be a task, but I should be able to do this.

I've been under quite a lot of stress lately, and I am not fairly certain about when I will be able to get some more updates published. As far as the status on my two stories and one other oneshot in progress, they are all ON HIATUS. I simply have no other time to actually work on it, as much as I would love to do so.

I'm sorry for the long wait, but these are the reasons that support why this is in place.

I still love you guys for taking the time to read and comment on my stories. It certainly made me smile when I came back on here.

April 21st, 2011 at 02:57am