More about me... even if ya don't care to know

Okay so my full name is Meagan Powell and here are some facts about me lol.

1. I am a Jesus believing girl... and just because I am does not mean I hate gays or bis ya?

2. I love cartoons and anime... even though 98% of anime sucks its still kind of funny :3 and it's better than reality T.V and yes there is a difference between anime and cartoons.

3. A person I really look up to is Amy Lee (Evanescence) and Alecia Beth Moore (P!nk)

4. I use alot of foreign slang... such as Braki or Broski and also ya can be considered so.

5. I was in theater for about 8 years of my childhood.

6. I was bullied in elementary because I was a bit different.

7. I am 50% percent Greek, not full but half :)

8. I know how to speak Greek and I am working on Japanese.

9. I hope to one day major in either foreign language or journalism

10. I love to draw, sing, write, act and I am starting to re-teach myself piano :D (which is not that hard to do!)

11. I love reading... especially if its a classical type thing... like Shakespeare or Edgar Allen Poe

12. I have a thing for mangas and comics... lol and for some reason I find Yaoi hallarious XD

13. I do have an accent when I talk (its kind of country or something I think)

14. I believe in World peace... but I don't see it happening anytime soon

15. I really don't give a S*it about nothing

16. I aint racist (just thought I would throw that out there)

17. My favorite show ever is DRAGON BALL Z!!!!!! WOOHOOO!

18. Some of the sexiest celebs are Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Billy Joe Armstrong and Geared way

19. I oddly have an attraction for people with red hair, green eyes and pale complexions... reason why I like Irish men

20. I am very easy-going and care-free... but didn't use to be.

Well that is about it lol. ite peace out brakis/broskis
April 21st, 2011 at 06:28am