Music and Graduation.

I hate it when you click something by accident and it deletes everything you just wrote.
Ughh. This is going to be a pathetic re-write, but I hate to sleep sometime tonight.

Well, basically I'm freaking out over graduation. But I'm excited becuase I might actually get a dress that looks good. I went shopping for one today and I hated every single one I tried on. So I came home tonight and went online and I think I found the dress. Bonus = $34!! IT'S ONLY $34.OO!! Can you believe it?!! So I might actually pick up a different pair of shoes and cool accesories from Etsy becuase then they're personalized and.. original. I hate looking like someone else.

I'm also moving, and trying to loose a bunch of unneccessary fat and keeping my grades up so I can get scholarship money.. Oh yeah, and I still have to get the scholarships.

Oh lord.

Also, take a listen to this song and let me know what you think. It's beautiful, and I want to share it with people.

"Gallows" by Cocorosie
April 21st, 2011 at 07:37am