Burning the wings of a dove.

This is effectively just going to be my latest poem. Only more in depth and not rhyming. Enjoy.

Love. Most people across the world believe it to be one of the most important things in life, the media portrays it to be both the worst and best time in a persons life, which i suppose could be true. However if you ask people what they want in life, most will respond with "To find true love." or words to that effect. So I have one question; What is true love? Now this isn't some abstract writers way of being witty or to make anyone who reads this think. (I barely think myself, why subjugate others to it?) It is simply a question I do not know the answer to. I do not know what love is, I don't know what it feels like, nor the attraction in it. I've seen how happy it makes people and how destroyed they are when everything's been torn to pieces in the long run. Surely you can be happy without being in love, so why do we do it? Why put ourselves through so much pain just for a fleeting moment of happiness? I'm not saying love is "wrong" not by any means. I just do not see the attraction or practicality in it. Nor have I ever felt it, perhaps I'm incapable of doing so. I mean I do love people, friends, perhaps some family, although I can honestly say I have never been "In love." I wish you all luck in your pursuit of love and I hope you all find that special someone. The thought of utter dependency on one person for my lifetime genuinely sickens me. So i shall not be pursuing such endeavors.

So here is my plan for life; I intend to study reasonably hard through college and university in order to become a charted psychiatrist and help those stricken with mental illness. (Unlike many psychiatrists these days.) As they say "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Therefore I'll obviously be doing my fair share of playing, as I am now. I still intend to maintain my lifestyle, spend my time feeding my addictions and not caring about the repercussions. I'm just going to live life exactly how I want to. I will drink, I will smoke, I will cut some people and I'm sure I'll have sex with a few along the way. I shall not regret any of these moments as that is how I live life. I live it for the moment, for immediate gratification. As long as I'm enjoying myself at the time, I don't rightly care.

Well these are my views on love and life. I thank you for reading. Feel free to give me your opinions on my beliefs. Challenge everything I say if need be, you shouldn't just take everything that is written as gospel after all.
April 21st, 2011 at 05:30pm