Fallow up on my guy friend who could be more then a friend+other guy drama=/ I'm so confused

I'm so confused right now. Like I'm never like this when it comes to guys, never. If you heard my last journal and if you haven't I suggest going and reading it (or not). I could actually sum it up quickly. Yeah I'll do that. It was just about this guy who's like a really good friend of mine and who of which lives next door and how I think im falling for him. When I say falling I think I actually mean like I hit rock bottom and I'm screwed.

Now, on with the journal! (Im sorry im not giving names of the two guys but I think mostly its because I'm just a chicken sh*t and scared somehow they'll read this).

The other day this guy I talk to, I mean its not really talking talking its more like me saying things to provoke him and mess with him. We don't even talk on a regular basis. You could say were friends of friends because im like really good friends with his best friend. But we were txting which was for like the first time since the beginning of the year and I only txted him because I was extremely bored, driving to Florida can get very boring. But that night I didnt tell him I was going to sleep and I shut my phone off. The next morning I woke up and looked at my phone. The first txt from him said that he really likes me. The next said sorry I bet this is going to be really awkward now.

But HOLY CRAP! (Rather use very colorful words but i'll simmer it down for you guys). But of course I sent him a txt saying sorry I didnt get those txts till now I was sleeping. But honestly I don't think I like him like THAT. I know it took a lot of courage to say that he like me and I know that he's a very good guy, Heck he listens to what I said and remembers it and actually really does care. But do I like him? Of course I like him as a friend but anything more? I don't know?...I don't want to force something that isn't there,

Sadly every time my phone vibrants from a txt I'm not hoping its him, the other guy. The other guy though (from the last journal) is amazing just like I said before but he can be mean. God, he can be mean. He knows what to say to upset people. He's always been...depressed but lately its been worse. He's been worse. Yet I can't find myself to think any less of him.

Also in a very causal way I told him I like him. I don't know if that ended good or bad at the moment.

I'm so confused and I just wanted to put this journal out there and vent to whoever reads it.
April 21st, 2011 at 07:00pm