WBH - Letting you know

I highly doubt anyone is going to read this.
But that kind of just sucks for them.
Anyways this is about Waiting for a Breaking Heart.
I've honestly rewritten the next chapter like 3 times. I don't want to move to fast in the plot...but I'm such an impatient person...ugh!
Anyways I've stopped rewriting it to give it a rest.
I have the chapter after that written too.
I'm running into the same problems again though. I don't know what way I want to take it for my own crazy mind and for not being cliche sake.
My original idea seemed really over done.
The way I have written right now is super insane, but it's taking place the day after the party still and I feel that two chapters all about one day is pushing is. PLUS!
I think it pushes Shana too far out of character. PLUS!
It's just another pile of drama for an already dramatic time.
I think I might have to change it again.
Either way, I've got to do something and soooon!
April 22nd, 2011 at 06:57am