M-Rated Video games and why they aren't that bad

So, the other day, I read an article about a certain horror game that used terrified mothers as a selling point. People began to complain that this was innapropriate and that it should ba taken down. Then, I began thinking. M-Rated Games are geared towards adults and older teens. And parents are getting upset about this. Why? If their child isn't allowed to buy a violent game, then what's the problem? They won't be exposed to such monstrosities as an alien butchering the poor protagonist. Parents also have an influence on other parents. Let's say that one mother is talking to another mother and she explains the rules in place at her household about violent video game. The second mother might pick up on that and place it on their children. But a problem (for mothers) is Fathers.

Generally, my father is much more laid back when it comes to video games. He is very strict, but he would gladly buy me a violent game. Last month, I ended up buying red dead redemption, Bioshock 2, and dead space. He looked at the ratings and why they were rated as such, and I still got them. Surprisingly, my mom still has no clue about Bioshock and Dead space. He has etched me play dead space and he had no problems when Issac Clarke was beheaded and his body was cut in two.

I'm ok with teenagers getting Violent games, but I hate it when CHILDREN are able to get them. The other day while I was at my local Video game store, I saw a mother with her child. And I'm angry with her because she bought a psp game for her son. And when she was told that it had blood, sex, nudity, cursing and drugs, she still bought it. I felt like saying something to her, about how she was going to pollute her child mind, but u was too shy. In my opinion, once you are about Thirteen, you are ok to play M Rated games. Because at that age, you should have the ability to distinguish what is real and what is not. Besides, video games are for entertainment. You never hear about parents being upset with a horror movie. So why do parents hate violence in their son or daughters games? I think it's because they are around it. Typically, a console is placed in a high traffic area such as a living room. And it's a central part of the house. So if mommy is walking by and she hears screaming and blood splatters, it scares her. That's why it's better to have you game system somewhere secluded like a basement or even your room.

That is really the end of my rant. Except for one last thing. Children should be banned or halo or call of duty. Or ANY game with an online component. They usually take the fun out of it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some aliens to dismember.
April 22nd, 2011 at 04:31pm