My ADD journal 1

So today I wake up.... I start thinking about my life and all that I've been through, the good times, the bad times, the odd times and sort of peaceful times.
I remember back in elementary school today... I was in the 4th grade I think. At this point in time I thought alot of people liked me... well I was wrong, it turns out that everyone thought I was a freak and no one really wanted to hang out with me and the only reason they did was because I was a good singer and such things like that.... I guess u culd call them my "first fans" or something... and well all of this was before I was bullied so yea I was kind of liked... but I wasn't popular...
Then I started thinking about middle school... Oh my god, the worst time of my life ever was then because I was treated like poop, they picked on me for being "over-weight" (I was just chubby) and I had bad acne and also ugly hair... yea bad time
and noe I think about how I am now, I have cleaned up alot, my hair is nice and emo (its naturally black though) I have found the perfect style of hippy for me (Greek Bohemian) and well my skin is all nice and clear :D and I've lost all my chubby weight.... but even after all that cleaning up and stuff.... I still am not cool!!!
I'm still a freak who hangs out with the emos, scene kids and goth kids. I'm will always be "little miss theater geek", I will always be one of those artists, I will always be a teachers favorite, I will always be a "problem child" with ADD.... but who cares!
I will never be cool... I will always be one of those "people", so why even try to be cool or popular when it is just not possible lol. So screw it! I like being a freak better anyway!
April 23rd, 2011 at 02:02am