
I’m very excited, yet nervous. I leave for Romania tomorrow. How exciting it will be, though, to go to Europe! Romania will be great. I pray the LORD uses me to help many people. I pray He will guide me. I am still trying to figure out what I should do. I love singing, yet I become to bashful when I sing in front of people. I also love children, but I am not so sure I want to work with them while I am there. What should I do? Oh dear, I still need to pack. Family is coming over today so I will have to finish packing tomorrow before I leave, which will be at 5:30; we're going to get dinner with the team. Plane leaves at 7 pm. It will take 24 hours to get there! I am super excited though. How wonder and gracious the LORD is to allow me to go on this missions trip!

<>< He Is Risen ><>
April 24th, 2011 at 02:38pm