To talk about 'I Want You More' and 'In My Head'

First of all, I wanted to say that those are my two latest slash stories...

In My Head
Should I change the title? Maybe... since there doesn't seem to be many people who want to read it. Maybe something more inviting to possible readers...
The new character is going to be Maine. I don't know if he should have black hair, light brown hair, or dark brown hair. What do you think?

I Want You More
This seems to be one of my more popular stories so far, and I'm not quite sure why.
Maybe it's the title?
Or the love-hate, conflicting relationship between Adrian and Ryan?
Or the way you see their minds work...
I just don't know...

Please, converse and give me good ideas. Lord knows I need them...

(And if you'd like to read them, please do. And makes decisions, and become a critic in your comments; whether they're good or bad!)

Thank you! Happy Easter!

-Dawn <3
April 25th, 2011 at 05:47am