Happy Eas--DEVIL RABBIT!!!!

yup. so it was easter yesterday. but my family is completely "out-there" and we CELEBRATED IT TODAYYYYYY YAYYY :DDD...... >.< ya, sooo my mom bought me and my brother like six FREAKIN BAGS OF CHOCOLATE EACHHHH wow, and I thought a all those tootsie pops would rot my teeth when I LOOKED AT THE SUGAR ON THE CHOCOLATE BAGSSS well.... SUGARS HEALTHY FOR YOUUUU (at least..... in MY world it isss) ok. So this is how the rest of the night went: my dad bit the head off a bunny. I cried. he laughed. i hit him. he laughed more. I ran upstairs. i bit the head off my bunny. i realized it tasted good... and it was fun :3 i ate the rest of the bunny in a matter of two minutes. went a bit more insane. slipped on the cement. cried some more. ate another bunny. cer-PLUNKED on my bed and fell asleep for a few minutes. ate some chocolate eggs. realized how much i looked like my mom. CRIED SOME MOREEEE. then after aLLLLLL that CRAP.... I sat here. now I'm typing. andddd then my idiot brother got a dumb idea (he's 16) to sneak up on me. EXCEPT he's too stupid to think of anything to do, so he just stood there. didn't realize he was behind me. so I turned, thinking I heard the couch creak in that creepy way when I think the cat is attacking one of my bugaboos. anyway, so he was standing there, and he had those crazy/pedo eyes already looking in mine, holding his bunny (MOMMY GOT US BOTH A STUFFED BUNNY) in a death grip, chocolate smeared on his face, and gripping a dead chocolate bunny in his other hand. he looked like a phsyco bugaboo zombie come back from the grave. fucking. frankenstein. LEGITTT. So I was so PISSING SCARED I started screaming bloody murder, and I faintly heard, "DEVIL RABIT!!! GET AWAY, GET AWAY, GET AWAY!!!!!" and realized it was coming from my own mouth. mmhm. just another normal day in the life of... well...... MEEE :DD hope you enjoyed. I was just bored. Happy Easter ^.^ oh, and that zombie bunny you saw earlier in your closet..... I didn't put that there, I SWEARRRZZ!!! O.O
April 25th, 2011 at 11:04pm