So I'm seeing this guy...

He's amazing. He really is a great guy. I like him a lot and I just really want to get to know him better. We're both pretty fresh out of relationships so we aren't trying to rush into one and we're just seeing where things are going.

I feel horrible for saying this but he's bi and it's a little strange to me. I'm not exactly sure why...

Our taste in guys are really different. I like short guys, he likes tall it''s odd. I think it's just that he's so open about it that striked (stroke? idk) me. He talked about his first time with a guy...which was slightly awkward.

He's great. Fantastic, even. This is just new to me. I guess meeting people is new to me. I just got out of a 7 month relationship about 2 months ago. Meeting him was so unexpected. He's so different from my "type".

Does it even matter?

You know what? I like this boy, who likes girls and boys! That's all that matters! I'm not exactly straight as a pin. It just...gets a bit weird when he talks about hot guys. But I can do that too, right? Hmmm...

Whatever, basically I like a boy but I'm worried he might want another boy. Isn't that understandable?
April 26th, 2011 at 07:20am