WWE Draft For All You WWE Fans :)

One of my favorite events of the year was on tonight and it was great!!

The night started off with a Rumble match, my favorite type of match BTW!, and we finally got to see Khali again!! My favorite part of the match? Big Show making Santino “Cobra” himself. Smackdown won with Big Show and Kofi Kingston! First draft of the night goes to Smackdown! Who do they get? JOHN CENA!! I nearly threw up from excitement!! Smackdown was getting the biggest superstar in WWE of today! I loved when Cole told King to “do something” and King said “I'm in shock, idiot!”

Next match was a Diva match, truthfully I hate Diva matches. They’re just boring. I do enjoy watching Beth Phoenix in action though and when Trish fights. Lay Cool had some more trouble with Layla throwing Michelle into the announcer's table. Raw got this draft pick. It was Rey Mysterio!! I called this and I love it! Can’t wait to see him in action on Raw next week.

Next match was Kofi V. Sheamus. I swore Sheamus would win but to my surprise Kofi did, getting Smackdown the next draft and who was it? RANDY ORTON!! How much do you have wish for John Cena and Randy Orton to become a tag team before it actually happens? This would've been a great opportunity to start or even to bring up their feud again. How great was their feud?

Next up was J.R. V. Cole. I was excited for this match, ready for J.R. to finally pummel Cole like he deserves! He started out with Cole being a jerk and not fighting, that went on way to long, any other wrestler would've just hit him already but no, not J.R. Then Swagger got into it and it went down from there. The next high point was watching Cole be whipped by King at the end.

Up next was Randy Orton V. Dolph Ziggler. I love Orton and Ziggler’s new look so it was an interesting match to watch :). Who was the winner? Smackdown! But before we could find out the draft picks, two this time, CM Punk just had to come out and blabber about Extreme Rules and such. Back from commercial, we learn that Smackdown has Mark Henry and Sin Cara, will he replace Rey Mysterio? Not bad draft picks.

Next was Rey Mysterio V. Wade Barret. Unfortunately, I was not able to see the eniter match but I do know that Rey won! Raw gets Big Show, to replace Mark Henry?!?! Called that to but I still love it! Big Show one of the best so I’m excited for this to! Alberto Del Rio also got drafted to Raw, I hate him and could careless but he could make interesting storylines.

The last match was a 6-Man Tag Team match, CM Punk, Miz, and Alberto Del Rio V. Christian, John Cena, and Mark Henry. The match started with Christian and Miz. Christian got beat up by all members of the Raw team, Smackdown’s chances were down. But then Christian tagged John Cena! Cena quickly knocked CM Punk down and was in the middle of a Five Knuckle Shuffle when Mark Henry jumped in and shoulder bumped in, hard enough to knock Cena down. He then attacked Christian and walked out. Raw wins! Surprise? Naw! And the last draft pick of the night was…John Cena back to Raw!! Cena jumped back into the ring and knocked all the Raw superstars out of it!! Did the draft picks surprise you? Did you enjoy WWE Draft of 2011? Tell me what you thought! Draft picks will resume tomorrow 12, noon, on WWE.com.
April 26th, 2011 at 07:42am