This is my confession. Enjoy.

Curled up so tightly, almost a coil now. Shaking so rapidly, unable to perform any action. Barely even thought. Time seems to slow, all sight and sound runs so slowly now. My vision is blurred, I can barely see. For the needs, they consume me. This curse, this plague, this fucking insanity! I tell you now, I've had enough. The pain comes as a swift release, makes me feel real, feel human again. Brings me back to what is truly real. Not the horrors of my mind. I need to scream, I need to shout, alas I cannot. The rage shall have to stay locked inside for now. No tears. It's a sign of weakness, I mustn't let them or myself now that they're slowly killing me.
So I carry this torment, this anger, the hurt and the rage out onto the daylight hours of my normal life. The sad thing is, these feelings are what shapes my personality. Which is what brings hate, fear and loathing out in the personalities of others. I cut most my words off short, suppress most of my needs, urges and the actions I want to commit. For I truly am a man who simply craves for death, for murder and for blood. The homicidal, psychopathic, sociopathic creature I've become sickens me. This vanity is but a charade. I hate myself. Both inside and out. So here you are, you all know me a little better now. I have taken off the mask and burnt the disguise. I'm sick of pretending. This is me, you don't have to accept me. Hell, you don't even have to believe me. I just needed to confess as it was all getting somewhat too much.
April 26th, 2011 at 09:29pm