Hi, I'm your new doormat.

Being treated like a professional piece of sh*t. Picking up shoes off the ground. Picking up half-eaten Wendy's hotdogs off the ground. Cleaning up customers sh*t that they dump all over the floor (sometimes real faeces). Listening to rude customers whinge and complain and get prices wrong, when you know that you are right. Listening to customers barter with me to try and get a cheaper price on a clothing item. No that item is not "Two dollar". Being a checkout chick and not asking for Flybuys. Getting in trouble for being sociable at work. Singing in operatic voices to the Christmas Carols CD that I believe is from the 1960s.

So, this is just my little rant, because, for the second time this month, close friends and fellow team members at my lovely place of employment have been discriminated against, and I'd really like to know why.

So I'm asking you lot, as an outside perspective and as the vast majority of you are from the same age group, I want to know if you do things like this too, and if so, why.

Now, I'm not insulting where I work because it's an amazing place and we deal with issues really well.

There were some rumours started about me a couple of months ago, and management dealt with the issue really, really well, and everything has been great since then. It's a fantastic environment and everyone, team members and management, are really supportive and accepting of everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, religion and driving ability.

The problem recently is with customers.

I get the whole, "the customer is always right" thing and I'll tell you right now, we go out of our way to serve you. We'll climb 28ft into the air on some rails to get you that one article of clothing you want from out the back. We'll move seven cages so you can get to one particular arm of underwear. We'll bash our shins with cages and z racks when you don't look where you're going.

We'll do the heavy lifting, the carrying. We'll organise parcel pick ups and we'll take things to registers for you. We go out of our way to serve the customers and they turn around and treat us like trash. For the most part, we can live with that. It's just life.

What's happening now though, and seriously pissing me off, is the way news travels in this city.

Two weeks ago, a school kid was harrassed while at work. About twenty girls came in and ganged up on this one employee, having a massive go at her and threatening to beat her up for being a homosexual. The team member could do nothing.

Today. Well, technically yesterday. Another customer, this one a friend of a staff member, came in and told a different team member, who also happens to be homosexual, that she hates lesbians. Once again, the team member could do nothing.

Seriously, what the f*ck is with this? Why do people insist on coming in and making things difficult for us? We're there to do a job and we'll do it to the best of our ability but honestly, no one should ever be made to feel uncomfortable in any place, but it's what's happening, and the kicker is that we can't do anything about it.

Once we don our work shirts we become a doormat for customers to walk all over and it pisses me off. Why do people do it? Why do people insist on being rude, obnoxious, and downright disgusting?

Why do you have to target us at the one place we can't fight back without risking our jobs?

Just... ugahfadskfajdf,adiu. I'll probably delete this in the morning but for now it stays because seriously... why?

What ever happend to "treat others how you want to be treated"?

April 27th, 2011 at 05:30pm