well hello.


this is gonna be a bit awkward. and for no apparent reasons that i can see. it's just gonna be awkward. (i think the fact that i said something about it being awkward contributes to the awkwardness of the situation, but that's what's fun about it.)

i thought maybe i would say hello.

so hello. too informal for you?

too bad.

do you know how hard it is to get a new story read?

it's pretty hard.

in a week, i've gained five readers for my newest story. it's original fiction, a branch away from all the fanfictions i've been writing since Thanksgiving 2010. is that why people don't seem to like it much? maybe i'll delete it. i have another original fiction that i want to put up here too, but if people don't like the first one, how can i be sure they'll like the second one?

maybe it's the difference in ideas. my two original fictions have nothing to do with one another.

maybe the first one is too tame for my regular readers. they're used to fast-paced action, and this one doesn't have that yet. (it's also a good couple years old, so it sounds a lot different than the way i write now.)

i'm seriously contemplating deleting my first original fiction and putting up the second one. (truth be told, i like the second one more, but i can't stand the thought of abandoning the original fiction i've put some serious effort into for the past three years.)


i have an even better solution.

it'll go on hiatus.

and i'll still put up the second one.

boom. done.

you think i came up with that all on my own, but you helped somehow. in some way, you helped me come up with that idea.

so you can go feel accomplished today.


April 27th, 2011 at 11:16pm