Lets Dance in the Hood

So, this weekend is the party for my best friends Sweet Sixteen!!
I'm SO excited cause we're going away to Edmonton.

( Which is a few hours away but it'll be worth it)

She's making me go on a roller coaster ( the blue one for those who are familiar with it )
But it'll be my first time on it so I'm pretty nervous but excited.

She deserves the best sixteenth birthday, gah I am just super excited for this.
( I havent been out of my shit town in a year )

OH so since I'll be gone for the weekend, my story
Avoid Complications Rodrick, wont be worked on for the next three/four days.
Sorry for those who are eagerly/patiently waiting for the next chapter :)

Ta ta for now
Cynthia Jean :)
April 28th, 2011 at 09:48pm