Mix-mix! (Or halo-halo, if you're Filipino)

I am so jealous of people on shows like Mythbusters, Surviving History, Wipeout, Pawn Stars, and even TMZ who seem like they're genuinely having fun at their jobs. They're not necessarily jobs I want or can even be good at, but what I want is to enjoy my work that much. It's just making me think at the moment, because the Philippines needs a lot of public pre-school teachers this upcoming schoolyear for the boom of students, and I'm thinking of applying, but I don't have a college degree. It would've been perfect, though. Sigh.


The best part of sunburns is peeling them. I had it a week ago and it was red and it stung like hell, but it's reduced to a tan now and the skin's just forming bubbles like I have scales. I don't want to go out in public in this state, but it's immense fun lol. That said, I will adopt vampirism and never venture into the sun again. It's an evil, evil creature.



I absolutely cannot wait for Game of Thrones. It's definitely the best new show at the moment. I wasn't even a fan of the books and I am just hooked. I get obsessed so easily, but at least it's an ongoing one unlike my River Phoenix phase (RIP Rio) or my Howl's Moving Castle phase (whose author has also died recently). This one is just full of possibilities. Dany/Drogo OTP.



Who needs an iPad? I just want a Kindle to read on. I realized some time ago that I am really not a gamer person. I've played things from Super Mario to Counterstrike to Guitar Hero, and it's fun for a few hours, but I've never been addicted and I get bored of them really quickly. I prefer thinking as opposed to exercising my reflexes, I suppose, lol.


I said I'd finish this contest entry by April 30th and I will! I'm just slacking off at the moment, since the host mistakenly judged it before I can turn it in because she forgot about my requested extension. I don't mind, and she's still giving me prizes and telling me how it would have placed, so I want to finish it by today/tomorrow still so I can work on my other contest entry due May 10th. I've even made a layout! :3
April 29th, 2011 at 07:18pm