Updated characters and a new stories

Hey, just to say that I put up characters for all my stories and also that I have began two more stories. Yay!
There called "Consequential Mistakes" and "The Heartless Bitch".
I liked the idea I came up with for both stories and I genuinely am brimming with ideas for them both I just need to find the time to write them. My exams are in less than two weeks and are extremely important. So, I may not be on this much but whenever I am I will try and write more. I have been neglecting everything so much lately...

In other news... I have hit a major writers block with "Some Kind of Magic". I hate to disappoint the people who have subscribed but I want to give you good chapters and not shitty ones so I'm sorry. I'm not giving up on it though, I'm just taking a vacation from it, so to speak. I also deleted my story "My Realistic Fairytale" because I didn't like it at all anymore and so it was a waste of a story really. I like the idea behind it so maybe one day I will attempt it again but not now.
Also, I really would love feedback on my stories. I'm not getting much at all. people are reading them and even subscribing to them and yet no one is commenting.
It literally takes less than a minute and would mean the world to me.

Sorry this is painfully boring. But hey, that is life... or not.

April 30th, 2011 at 12:41am